Left Blank Development Apps

Chalkboard Multiples 1.0.6
Try out this addictive multiplication gamewhere you are racing to beat your best time. Select your firstnumber and a difficulty and get ready to see how well you know yourmultiples. The best time with a perfect score will be displayed foreach level. How fast can you do it?
U.S. States and Capitals Quiz 1.0.2
How well do you know your U.S. states? What about the capitals ofthose states? Test your knowledge of U.S. geography.
U.S. States and Capitals Quiz 1.0.2
How well do you know your U.S. states? What about the capitals ofthose states? Test your knowledge of U.S. geography.
Memorize the Articles of Faith 1.1
The Articles of Faith are a summary of the basic beliefs of TheChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Working towardsmemorizing them is a great way to increase your understanding ofthose beliefs. From people who just having an interest in otherreligions to people who are members of the church this app willhelp everyone Memorize the Articles of Faith. One way to memorize aset of words is to read it over and over again until you can reciteit without help. While that is a great approach, this app takes thenext step and removes words so that you can see how you areprogressing. When you start out all of the words will be visible,but as you swipe through more and more words will be blurred out sothat you can not see them. However, if you get stuck on a word youcan just tap that word to see what it is and tap it again to removeit again. This way you do not have to go back to the beginning whenyou are struggling. In 1842 Joseph Smith summarized the faith ofthe Later Day Saints into a list that became known as the Articlesof Faith. Can you memorize them all?